Mountains & Motorcycles

Three friends exploring the Himalayas on two wheels - it doesn’t get much better. Sam Chirnside writes about his time on the road.

Nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Ladakh embodies an ethereal realm of untamed beauty and spiritual resonance in Northern India. Often referred to as the "Land of High Passes," this majestic expanse enchants with its rugged terrain, ancient monasteries, and serene lakes set against a backdrop of dramatic landscapes.

Having embarked on a solo trip through Spiti Valley in 2019, the longing to return to this region had only intensified over the years. After a few years of dreaming, it became reality. This time, setting off with two mates, Zach and Sam, both eager to share a raw experience.

The vivid memory of our morning flight from Delhi to Leh remains etched — a surreal spectacle as the rising sun painted the peaks with golden hues, juxtaposing desert dunes against snow-capped mountains. A place unlike anywhere else on earth, the thin air at high altitudes, subtly reminding us of the elevation awaiting us. There’s a certain energy that exudes from these mountains; a timeless stillness that takes over as you gaze upon the sculpted peaks, shaped over countless ages, humbling you with their towering presence.

With a flexible plan outlining Ladakh's major lakes - Tso Moriri, Pangong, & Tso Kar - and some of the world's highest passes including the Umling-La, we embraced the spontaneity of the journey, letting it unveil the path ahead. Taking local advice which led us into uncharted territories. Each day brought new wonders - the vast valleys, adorned with mesmerising cloud shadows. The high-altitude sun and winds sculpted our faces, adding new layers of dirt, a visible tale of the adventures experienced along the way.

Our traverse took us through some of the most remote corners of India, offering encounters with untamed wilderness - wild horses, yaks, and the Nomadic tribes of Tso Moriri, embodying a harmonious coexistence with nature's rhythm. Witnessing their traditional lifestyle, deeply rooted in the cycles of the land and seasons.

As we journeyed, we visited multiple monasteries, each as grand as the other, often perched atop cliffs or nestled in valleys, adorned with Buddhist teachings and sacred artefacts dating back centuries. The experience of witnessing the rituals of monks, their prayers, and chants, became a continuous echo throughout our trip, immersing us in their devotion.

The challenging terrains transformed what were meant to be short rides into enduring days, navigating unforeseen challenges and often racing against the setting sun to reach our day's destination. Arriving at remote villages, we held hope of finding shelter for the night, and in return, we were welcomed by locals who greeted us with warm hospitality.

After a taxing day's ride, the comforting tradition of sharing a cup of chai and a homemade meal among local Ladakhis became a treasured experience, fostering heartfelt conversations about their homeland. The arid climate in this region poses a considerable challenge in acquiring fresh produce, especially in these isolated villages, which are inaccessible for 5-6 months annually. Momo, the Tibetan dumplings, served as our daily sustenance, dining at roadside dhabas to recharge before continuing our journey along the dusty trails.

Crossing over some of the world’s highest passes, at altitudes where motor vehicles seemingly shouldn’t exist, the thinning air turned every movement on and off the bike into a challenging mission.

As we passed signage indicating we had ascended higher than Base Camp Everest, we anticipated encountering snowy terrain at the top of the world. However, what awaited us were rolling arid mountains battered by howling winds. Luckily, the trip proceeded without major bike issues or incidents. Our loop journey drew to a close in Leh, and a profound sense of gratitude overwhelmed us.

Ladakh, beyond its breathtaking landscapes, is a teacher whose lessons linger long after you've left its high passes and tranquil monasteries. We're bringing home new perspectives and ways of being, one that's been shaped by the profound simplicity of living in the now - a gift from the valley's quiet grandeur. The ritual of chai, shared with new friends, goes beyond words, forging connections that need no translation. This journey has taught us to cherish every interaction, push through the challenges, and find peace in stillness.

Venturing into the unknown has proved to be its own reward, revealing unexpected treasures and paths rarely explored. Ladakh's unrivalled beauty has shown us that life is ripe for exploration, ready to unfold its mysteries to those who seek them. As we head home, we're reminded that each day is an opportunity for new beginnings, much like the open roads of this ancient land.



Mountains & Motorcycles

Three friends exploring the Himalayas on two wheels - it doesn’t get much better. Sam Chirnside writes about his time on the road.

Nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Himalayas, Ladakh embodies an ethereal realm of untamed beauty and spiritual resonance in Northern India. Often referred to as the "Land of High Passes," this majestic expanse enchants with its rugged terrain, ancient monasteries, and serene lakes set against a backdrop of dramatic landscapes.

Having embarked on a solo trip through Spiti Valley in 2019, the longing to return to this region had only intensified over the years. After a few years of dreaming, it became reality. This time, setting off with two mates, Zach and Sam, both eager to share a raw experience.

The vivid memory of our morning flight from Delhi to Leh remains etched — a surreal spectacle as the rising sun painted the peaks with golden hues, juxtaposing desert dunes against snow-capped mountains. A place unlike anywhere else on earth, the thin air at high altitudes, subtly reminding us of the elevation awaiting us. There’s a certain energy that exudes from these mountains; a timeless stillness that takes over as you gaze upon the sculpted peaks, shaped over countless ages, humbling you with their towering presence.

With a flexible plan outlining Ladakh's major lakes - Tso Moriri, Pangong, & Tso Kar - and some of the world's highest passes including the Umling-La, we embraced the spontaneity of the journey, letting it unveil the path ahead. Taking local advice which led us into uncharted territories. Each day brought new wonders - the vast valleys, adorned with mesmerising cloud shadows. The high-altitude sun and winds sculpted our faces, adding new layers of dirt, a visible tale of the adventures experienced along the way.

Our traverse took us through some of the most remote corners of India, offering encounters with untamed wilderness - wild horses, yaks, and the Nomadic tribes of Tso Moriri, embodying a harmonious coexistence with nature's rhythm. Witnessing their traditional lifestyle, deeply rooted in the cycles of the land and seasons.

As we journeyed, we visited multiple monasteries, each as grand as the other, often perched atop cliffs or nestled in valleys, adorned with Buddhist teachings and sacred artefacts dating back centuries. The experience of witnessing the rituals of monks, their prayers, and chants, became a continuous echo throughout our trip, immersing us in their devotion.

The challenging terrains transformed what were meant to be short rides into enduring days, navigating unforeseen challenges and often racing against the setting sun to reach our day's destination. Arriving at remote villages, we held hope of finding shelter for the night, and in return, we were welcomed by locals who greeted us with warm hospitality.

After a taxing day's ride, the comforting tradition of sharing a cup of chai and a homemade meal among local Ladakhis became a treasured experience, fostering heartfelt conversations about their homeland. The arid climate in this region poses a considerable challenge in acquiring fresh produce, especially in these isolated villages, which are inaccessible for 5-6 months annually. Momo, the Tibetan dumplings, served as our daily sustenance, dining at roadside dhabas to recharge before continuing our journey along the dusty trails.

Crossing over some of the world’s highest passes, at altitudes where motor vehicles seemingly shouldn’t exist, the thinning air turned every movement on and off the bike into a challenging mission.

As we passed signage indicating we had ascended higher than Base Camp Everest, we anticipated encountering snowy terrain at the top of the world. However, what awaited us were rolling arid mountains battered by howling winds. Luckily, the trip proceeded without major bike issues or incidents. Our loop journey drew to a close in Leh, and a profound sense of gratitude overwhelmed us.

Ladakh, beyond its breathtaking landscapes, is a teacher whose lessons linger long after you've left its high passes and tranquil monasteries. We're bringing home new perspectives and ways of being, one that's been shaped by the profound simplicity of living in the now - a gift from the valley's quiet grandeur. The ritual of chai, shared with new friends, goes beyond words, forging connections that need no translation. This journey has taught us to cherish every interaction, push through the challenges, and find peace in stillness.

Venturing into the unknown has proved to be its own reward, revealing unexpected treasures and paths rarely explored. Ladakh's unrivalled beauty has shown us that life is ripe for exploration, ready to unfold its mysteries to those who seek them. As we head home, we're reminded that each day is an opportunity for new beginnings, much like the open roads of this ancient land.
