Twist And Go
Thoughts and pictures from an unforgettable week exploring the Greek island of Corfu on a 125cc scooter.
Hiring a scooter at the airport was the best decision I made all summer. Big enough to go anywhere, small enough to slip past the crowds and explore the narrow roads that weave across Corfu. I took wrong turns, swam in quiet coves, and ate with the locals – it was everything I hoped this experience would be. My mind felt open and alive, soaking in the rituals of island life. I knew before I arrived that the landscapes would be beautiful and that I’d have a great time, but my scooter had transformed this holiday into a trip that I wouldn’t forget.
Does a modern scooter look as good as a custom motorcycle? Not even close. But that didn’t matter... twist and go, its simplicity was refreshing. I was only focused on what was in front of the bars, the way it should be. It occurred to me that like pairing food and wine, a trip can be enriched by the vehicle you travel in. Maybe an obvious thought, but one that I hadn’t fully appreciated. It’s about finding a balance between terrain and distance – cutting away everything you don't so that you feel the most. The locals have usually got it right, copying them is a good place to start.
Sat on a rooftop, I’m looking East. The setting sun has turned the landscape golden, Cypress trees cast striped shadows across olive groves. It’s August and the island is green. The lights of Corfu Town blink awake in the middle distance, and over a narrow stretch of water – Albania, with the Balkan peninsula beyond.
In the evening haze, this mass of land cools quickly. Thermal cycles pull a warm breeze down from the mountains, drawing my attention to the horizon. It strikes me that I am looking across a border – something that doesn’t often happen with modern travel. In a place that I know, looking at one that I don’t; I wonder how life would be different, ten miles away. Seeing the edge of my map inspires me to go further. To expand my world and fill in the gaps. I can’t think of a better reason to keep travelling forward.
When passing a row of bins in the midday sun, breathe out.
When passing a taverna with a charcoal grill, breathe in.
The morning is still cool, I have a cup of strong coffee to hand and a map laid out. I have a thought… when deciding where to go, it’s better to think of time, not distance. At home, I would never question the hour it takes to watch an episode. Time is a familiar friend that somehow feels easier - a way of thinking that brings the edges of the map closer.